الخميس، 10 مارس 2011

What Do You Know About Stage 2 Hypertension ?

What Is Stage 2 Hypertension?
Also known as late high blood pressure (HBP), secondary hypertension or severe high blood pressure, stage 2 hypertension is a serious condition which requires medical care and continuous monitoring. The causes of HBP is not known in the majority of cases (more than 90%); however, stage 2 hypertension is generally caused by excessive use of alcohol, leading a highly stressful life, smoking, high fat diet, sedentary life style and excessive salt consumption.
The symptoms of this type of hypertension widely vary from person to person. These include feeling fatigued, sudden dizziness accompanied with persistent headaches, flushing, etc.
What Are The Dangers Associated With Stage 2 Hypertension?
This disease is a killer; not so much because it is very serious right from the very beginning, but because people tend to ignore it until it is too late. Hypertension is your warning bell that says, "Hey, your heart is under pressure and you need to look into it." However, most people choose to completely ignore these warning signs with fatal consequences.
Some of the initial consequences that result from leaving hypertension untreated are gradual damage of kidney cells leading to complete renal failure, damage of the retina leading to serious vision impairment, and the most grim of all damage of arterial walls which leads to their thickening which in turn lead to strokes and heart attacks. The heart works under tremendous pressure and the additional effort subsequently causes congestive heart failure and death.
What Can You Do To Reverse It?
There is no cure for hypertension therefore once you develop it you need to keep a constant watch on it so you will know when it crosses the danger levels. As soon as you learn about you would need to immediately improve your life style by including a brief window of at least 20-30 for exercise on daily basis, adopt a healthier diet, lower or completely eliminate salt, stop smoking and consuming alcohol, among others.
You would also need to have your medication as per doctor’s instructions and check your blood pressure at regular intervals.

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